RISIS CIB2 (Corporate Invention Board) Tutorial is online on the Zenodo community space. The RISIS CIB2 database uses the RISIS Patent database, a LISIS enriched and simplified version of the PATSTAT 2017 April release, as a primary source. 


CIB2 is a database including priority patents of the top 3992 corporate innovators worldwide (applications 2000-2015). It provides data and indicators at the firm level for the worldwide largest R&D corporate performers that represent over 90% of world corporate industrial R&D. The patents include 15.712.409 inventors.


Among its applications, it has been recently used to analyze the commitment of MNEs in energy cleantech technologies or to characterize the R&D activities of top R&D corporate performers in the sectors of aeronautics, and aerospace.


RISIS CIB2 is an accessible and rich data source via RISIS for research activities in the production of knowledge using patent data. It allows studying the dynamics of knowledge creation in large and top corporate R&D performers along different dimensions: space, actors, and technologiesThanks to its links with other RISIS facilities, RISIS CIB2 database enables to access these dimensions at a coarse level or at a fine-grained level using either usual classification (for technologies, geography) or designing ad-hoc data subsets of patents in specific topics of inventions, for a particular type of institutions in given geographical spaces. The patent variables give information related to various aspects: the definition of the invention, the technological domain, the geographical location of inventive activities