The project is approaching a precious final year full of achievements and new results that will indicate the path to follow in the future.
RISIS EVENTS involved an increasing number of researchers and experts from and beyond Europe in many occasions: Policymakers’ Sessions, Research Seminars, RISIS Training Courses and School, International conferences.
RISIS Communication Team wish you bright and warm Season’s Holidays, reminding you of our next events you cannot miss when you’ll come back in the New Year:
- 11 January 2023: RISIS tool demonstration events – Matching Research Organizations with OrgReg using OpenRefine
- 18 January 2023: RESEARCH SEMINAR 23, Comparing measures of HEI size. Academic staff vs. scientific talent
- 20-24 February 2023: RISIS Data Science Winter School on Tools and methods for analysing complex Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) systems
Numerous other relevant activities are planned in the upcoming months, so stay tuned, stay with RISIS Community in 2023!