Risis Core Facility, the RISIS heart

Even datasets have a heart. In particular, RISIS heart is called RISIS Core Facitity.


The objective of Risis Core Facility (RCF) is to provide a ground-breaking infrastructure for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) studies. In order to get a functional core, the infrastructure must provide a unique entry point online, with which RISIS user can access a monitored and secured workspace.


This workspace will be designed to provide services to user interested in jointly exploiting different RISIS datasets and various Linked Open Data resources with the goal to explore, retrieve and visualise results of data analysis for their research purposes. Users oriented actions through a dedicated platform.




RISIS supplies a service where users can supply and find information linked to their experiences, results, problems deriving from the use of the infrastructure, free spaces for exchanges and interactions, and for building collaborative efforts.

Access to OpenAire content and open science publishing allows further integration of users from STI community and widening the existing community.


We are significantly extending the type of research activities supported by RCF, through the integration of new data analytics tools and services, specifically by enabling flexible geographical analysis and multilingual content analytics.

The expected outcome is a much richer and more powerful RISIS research e-Infrastructure, that offers a wide, state-of-the-art range of theoretically-sound and practically applicable data analytics methods and algorithms, providing a broad statistical foundation for new research.