CORTEXT is a platform for on-line processing of heterogeneous textual corpuses and currently it operates as a platform offering researchers different ways to enrich and analyse their corpuses. CorTexT provides text mining tools and socio-semantics analysis for corpus-level (inter-document) analysis, including data parser (txt, doc, json, ris and other proprietary format such as WoS, Scopus, Factiva,…), term extraction, generation of word2vec models, interaction networks (e.g. retweet networks), clustering, geocoding, and graph-based community detection. It also give user access to numerous data viz such as sankey “tubes”, network map, geographic map, etc.
GATE Cloud is complementary to CorTexT, as it provides numerous open-source multilingual natural language processing tools and services for text analysis, on a document-by-document basis. This includes lexical analysis, Named Entity Recognition (NER), social media analysis, entity linking with Linked Open Data (LOD) resources), and ontology-based semantic annotation via the KNOWMAK annotation service (see INDICATORS TOPICS-ONTOLOGY page). More services will be made available in the RCF as the project progresses.
D4Science is a Hybrid Data Infrastructure serving a number of Virtual Research Environments exploited in the context of several European projects and international partnerships. D4Science will design, deploy, and operate a VRE (Virtual Research Environment) to foster interaction between RISIS-RCF and OpenAire with the view to have the RISIS project to contribute to the OSaaS (Open Science as a Service), while linking a Community Based Infrastructure in science policy and innovation studies.
It is the European Data Infrastructure for Scientific Open Access. CNR-ISTI is responsible of the OpenAIRE development and pre-production infrastructure. Specific and relevant databases and contents will be imported from the OpenAIRE infrastructure, through the implementation of a VRE by D4Science.