Use cases with RISIS datasets
Neuländtner, M. and Scherngell, T. (2019): Determinants of technology-specific R&D collaboration networks: Evidence from a spatial interaction modelling perspective, ISSI 2019 – 17th International Conference On Scientometrics & Informetrics, 2-5 September 2019, Rome, Italy (link)
Wanzenböck, I., Neuländtner, M. and Scherngell, T. (2019): Impacts of EU funded R&D networks on the generation of Key Enabling Technologies: Empirical evidence from a regional perspective. Papers in Regional Science. (link)
Lata, R., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2015): Integration Processes in European R&D: A comparative spatial interaction approach using project based R&D networks, co-patent networks and co-publication networks, Geographical Analysis 47, 349-375 (link)
Wanzenböck, I., Scherngell, T. and Brenner, T. (2014): Embeddedness of regions in European knowledge networks. A comparative analysis of inter-regional R&D collaborations, co-patents and co- publications, The Annals of Regional Science 53, 337-368 (link)
Scherngell, T. and Lata, R. (2013): Towards an integrated European Research Area? Findings from Eigenvector spatially filtered spatial interaction models using European Framework Programme data, Papers in Regional Science 92, 555-577 (link)
Useful references
Fischer, M. M., and Wang, J. (2011). Spatial data analysis: models, methods and techniques. Springer Science & Business Media
LeSage, J. P., and Fischer, M. M. (2016). Spatial regression-based model specifications for exogenous and endogenous spatial interaction. In Spatial econometric interaction modelling (pp. 15-36). Springer, Cham
LeSage, J., & Pace, R. K. (2009). Introduction to spatial econometrics. Chapman and Hall/CRC.