Publications, daily bread of researchers. To study, consult, or share information, publication databases are populated every single day. And what about RISIS core dataset on publications? “The [...]
RISIS project had a space during the 32th Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) conference, that took place in Kassel University, August 28-30. With a paper titled “The heterogeneity [...]
RISIS has landed in Manchester University, in occasion of the European Sociology Association conference. Antonio Zinilli, post-doctoral researcher at Research Institute on Sustainable Economic [...]
Will be available on-line, from autumn 2019, the public version of SIPER (Science and Innovation Policy Evaluation Repository), a rich and unique database of science and innovation policy [...]
Public research, Higher Education and careers are key elements of RISIS datasets. ProFile is one of them and is the only longitudinal study in Europe containing doctoral students from all [...]