The last RISIS WEEK will be organized from Monday January 30th, 2023 to Friday February 3rd. It represents a very important moment in the life of the project since it will collect all the [...]
The 22nd RISIS Research Seminar will take place on 14th December from 12.30 to 2.00 pm (CET) and will focus on a presentation entitled Internal versus international scholarly mobility and [...]
The 21st RISIS Research Seminar will take place on 9th November from 12.30 to 2.00 pm (CET) and will focus on a presentation entitled Reliability of innovation measures by Mika Naumanen, VTT [...]
RISIS project will be illustrated in a digital promo stand at ICRI 2022 that will take place in Brno (Czech Republic) from 19th to 21st October 2022. The ICRI 2022 will bring together [...]
The 20th RISIS Research Seminar will take place on 12th October from 12.30 to 2.00 pm (CET) and will focus on a presentation entitled The European Universities initiative: coining European [...]