Dissemination addresses targeted groups of users to improve the understanding of what RISIS can offer to their research effort (learning objective).


It is also devoted to produce a change in the research practices of the existing STI community (transformative objective).


Furthermore, dissemination shall develop productive interactions between researchers in the field, scholars from neighboring fields, policy makers, practitioners, and researchers working in stakeholders’ organizations.



Four main group of activities:




  • ‘Awareness rising’ events with targeted audiences involving users from STI community, users from neighboring R&D communities and stakeholders organizations, to discuss items of interest related to RISIS activities.



  • Periodic Policymaker Sessions are a kind of awareness rising events specially organized to involve policy makers on specific issues, also adopting a new approach to aggregated data circulation, in particular towards policy analysts and policymakers.



  • Sponsorship, RISIS considers important to contribute to Conferences in the field. As a rule, RISIS can contribute to the conferences with two rates depending on how relevant the conference for the project is (beyond the number of people attending, what is relevant is how the Conference is at the core of the RISIS developments) and the type of involvement that the Conference rules allow to the sponsors.



  • Research Seminars, the goal of the  is to foster the exchange of ideas within and outside RISIS community. In each seminar, scholars and practitioners present and discuss their ongoing research. Seminars promote communication among scholars at a critical stage of their research on a shared topic.



  • Communication and Dissemination Activities 2019-2020: a strategic document which  outlines the overall approach for communicating with stakeholders and partners about RISIS. It outlines key messages, describes key stakeholders, and describes communicpations activities.



Here the Engagement Chart