This Code of Conduct (CoD) applies to all researchers entering the RISIS infrastructure and provides help and orientation in a compact and easy-to-read form. It reflects the vital commitment of RISIS to fairness, open communication and active participation in designing our processes and structures. The Code of Conduct also provides a clear indication of the RISIS focus on sharing knowledge and a favorable atmosphere within the RISIS environment.
RISIS aims to serve the scientific community in providing a large-scale infrastructure on utilizing data and data analysis platforms relevant for research and innovation dynamics and policies. Given the RISIS working principles, it has to be assured that researchers entering RISIS agree to the RISIS CoD. It guarantees that the researcher takes into account RISIS regulations across the following dimensions:
i) Basic principles and research ethics
Good scientific practice is expected equally from public and private sector as well as university research institutions. One of the RISIS key missions is to serve the scientific community. In this respect, RISIS and researchers entering RISIS are committed to upholding the highest standards of scientific ethics. The foundation for the research integrity practiced in RISIS is found in both the European Charter for Researchers and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity. This statement, along with the principles and responsibilities it sets forth, was prepared as part of an international effort to establish globally applicable policies and codes of conduct. RISIS is committed to complying with these policies.
The European Charter for Researchers and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity is applicable to everyone who does research and to every scientific study, including the way it is conducted as well as its documentation and publication.
The researcher agreeing to the RISIS CoD automatically agrees to the research principles and ethics given under the umbrella of the European Charter for Researchers and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, including trustworthiness of the research, proper citation and publication behavior, publication acknowledgement of the RISIS project, among others.
ii) Authentication
The authentication of a researcher entering RISIS is mandatory. RISIS makes use of an international initiative to register researchers with a unique ID, the ORCID ID. It provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes a researcher from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities. A researcher entering RISIS should have an ORCID ID in order to apply. Internally, RISIS can use this ID for administration.
iii) Proper use and share of data
The researcher entering RISIS is entitled to a proper use of RISIS data. This refers to the agreed research ethics (see above), but also to legal conditions. Data and information produced within RISIS can only be made public in aggregated form (for instance in publications), if not explicitly allowed by the local dataset holder. Usually, local Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have to be signed by the researcher entering RISIS, legally providing the basis for local use of data.
iv) Research purposes only
RISIS serves the scientific community, i.e. it is designed exclusively for relevant research purposes. Thus, the researcher entering RISIS has to clearly define the research path that is followed in an application template, including a description of the research purpose and the intended datasets and/or platforms of the RISIS infrastructure to be used.
v) Data and results dissemination
RISIS is clearly inscribed into the Open Science movement with a direct link to OpenAire and in compliance with the FAIR data principles (Fundable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
The researcher entering RISIS has to have the clear goal to publish in Open Access the results to the scientific community, mainly in form of conference presentations and publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Given the requirement of a clear outline of the research purpose (see above), this should be intended anyhow as significant research will always be published. The researcher entering RISIS has to report which publication channels are intended to be used.
Further, the researcher entering RISIS agrees that publications and presentations, all documents deriving from the use of RISIS datasets and services, and the corresponding aggregated underlying data, as well as new datasets established with the support of RISIS datasets have to be uploaded and stored in the RISIS Zenodo community space.
vi) Acknowledge RISIS
The researcher entering RISIS agrees that all research published drawing in some way on the RISIS infrastructure has to correctly cite the RISIS infrastructure. This is the case not only for scientific journal articles or conference proceeding, but also for any kind of presentations (for instance used in lectures), working papers or texts for popular media, such as newspapers.
RISIS has to be cited in the metadata and acknowledged within the publication as “This work was supported by RISIS2 (Research Infrastructure for and Innovation Policy Studies 2), funded by the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and innovation programme under the grant number n°824091”.
vii) Financial conditions
The researcher entering RISIS agrees to the financial conditions. RISIS will cover travel costs of researcher needing on-site access to RISIS datasets and accommodation of up to 3 days, and up to 750EUR per visit. Respective re-imbursement documents will be provided; expenses will be covered after visits by the central access management.
viii) GDPR issues
On May 25th, 2018 the European Union Regulation n°679/2016 for the protection of personal data (also known as “GDPR”) has been initiated. RISIS fully complies with the regulation in handling personal data of RISIS users in all aspects. You might receive information and other communications from RISIS, unless you prefer to cancel your subscription to mailing list and other RISIS channels by using
We inform you that we may use your email address among the RISIS partners with no commercial purpose and exclusively to send you news relating to the activities of RISIS project, without transferring them to third parties. The data you provide will be processed by RISIS, using computerized methods, for the sole purpose of providing the service requested and, therefore, will be kept exclusively for the period in which it will be active.